Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework: extra explanations!

These two water related data collection points are student generated after a discussion on water on Friday. We contine to look at daming pros and cons but have also started looking at water droughts in California and Oregon which is making us wonder what we are using water for and how much water we are using here at OES and at home.


As a class, we are hoping to just see the water usage data from families water bills. We want to continue to discuss variables that would lead to differences in water usages as well as compare the class average to nationwide averages.

Uniform Tallies

As a class, we are hoping to how many clothes we use just for school and calculate how much water that requires to manufactor and possibly launder.

A letter to Ms. Chris ----- due Monday November 16
This is to help you see how to format your letter and remember all the parts.


Dear Ms. Chris,

The name of the book you are reading and a short summary

Parts of the book you are enjoying and maybe some places the author has surprised you.

Tell me how you and your partner are working together. You might answer some of these questions: Are you following your agreements? Doing your reading everynight and bringing in thick questions? Are you stopping when agreed? How are your discussions? Are you helping each other dig deeper into the book?

Your Student OR From OR Sincerely,


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