Friday, November 20, 2015

Update: November 20

Coming Up:
November 24: Grandparents and Special Friend's Day

Last week, students worked as partners to read an OBOB book. These partners practiced their skills as intense readers to follow characters into action. Partners helped each other dig deeper into the book, make connections, judge characters intents, and share perspectives of the events throughout the book. Then students began to create an Amazon review page that included multiple different aspects of he book. These projects are mostly finished in class and will be shared after Thanksgiving Break.

Our Realistic Fiction Stories are published on our portfolio blog with a short paragraph of reflection over the process of writing.
Students also wrote a short poem/song about the concept of peace. This poem was published over the week.
Next, we will start our opinion/persuasive essay taking a stance about dams and river usage. This week, we will just begin the planning period and then start writing after Thanksgiving. We will be focusing on the 5 point essay structure and supporting our ideas with facts. We have practiced this with our literary essays and letters to Ms. Chris.

Last week, we explored the concept of multiples and factors in multiplication and then made fact families to show to connection between multiplication and division. We continue to give a 3 min test every week and record our data on a graph to monitor our practice. While our focus is not on speed but rather the different ways and methods of solving multiplication and division problems, we also recognize that fact fluency will help with confidence and problem solving more complex problems.

Social Studies
Students are starting to look outside Oregon and into Western USA, specifically at droughts, bottled water and water rights. We are gaining a broader understanding of the multiple water issues that surround us these days as well as the multiple perspectives on the problems and benefits of each. Students are finishing up a model of a hydroelectric dam that supports their case for or against daming rivers. 
After Thanksgiving, students will be using this experience to help build a persuasive essay about taking down or building more dams.

Passion Projects
This week, we are having some hard conversations about Passion Projects. An eagerness for partners and larger broad topics have lead us away from our brainstorming pages and into uncharted territory of disjointed project ideas. I believe we have some more clarity and students have started working on their more focused project the last two weeks. Students will be presenting their passion project work the week before Winter Break.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework: extra explanations!

These two water related data collection points are student generated after a discussion on water on Friday. We contine to look at daming pros and cons but have also started looking at water droughts in California and Oregon which is making us wonder what we are using water for and how much water we are using here at OES and at home.


As a class, we are hoping to just see the water usage data from families water bills. We want to continue to discuss variables that would lead to differences in water usages as well as compare the class average to nationwide averages.

Uniform Tallies

As a class, we are hoping to how many clothes we use just for school and calculate how much water that requires to manufactor and possibly launder.

A letter to Ms. Chris ----- due Monday November 16
This is to help you see how to format your letter and remember all the parts.


Dear Ms. Chris,

The name of the book you are reading and a short summary

Parts of the book you are enjoying and maybe some places the author has surprised you.

Tell me how you and your partner are working together. You might answer some of these questions: Are you following your agreements? Doing your reading everynight and bringing in thick questions? Are you stopping when agreed? How are your discussions? Are you helping each other dig deeper into the book?

Your Student OR From OR Sincerely,


Friday, November 6, 2015

Nov 2 & 6 Acolytes

Thompson Acolytes
Monday, November 2 Acolytes
Friday, November 6 Acolytes

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cleaning Club

A group of girls in the classroom has decided to create "Cleaning Club." Really they are more into organization and creating systems. Today, they made a new ribbon holder. Service towards the classroom and ownership over the space.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ERBs Test Day #1

Settling in and excited to do our "slow and steady" best work for our first ERB test. I am proud of their careful reading and hard work. Now for 2 more days of focus!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

ERB and Typing Practice

For student access to ERB practice sites and Typing Club, students should go to their GoogleDrive.

Then in their apps, go to "Classroom."
In "Classroom," you can see both links.

ERB note: 4th graders are taking the Level 3 test. We have practiced some of the tests already. It is more about reading the directions and test taking skills than studying content.

Typing Club note: Challenge students to cover their hands and only look at the screen!

Opps: Homework

Slight technical problems so I couldn't print the homework today. I added a screen shot of our Homework Google doc, which is linked, remember you can always access and view the homework from here.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Update: November 1

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all parents who scheduled conferences Thursday and Friday. I am happy to report that all conferences met and no rescheduling is required. This makes conferences easier for me and I really appreciate all of your efforts to meet the schedule! Plus our conferences were a wonderful opportunity to sit and talk more about each child as an individual in the larger class. I had a couple complaints (while joking) that my loud laugh was heard in nearby classrooms. It was a good two days. Thanks again.

Coming Up:
ERB Tests are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. We will complete eight 30-40 minute multiple choice tests over three days. All of the 4th grade teachers encourage all students to eat well and sleep especially well to prepare for the tests.

Students will be reviewing testing taking skills such as…
--reading the directions thoroughly
--eliminating choices we know to be wrong
--reading over answers with answers plugged in
--making good guesses
--taking our time and not rushing

This week, we are refocusing our book logs and book notes. Students need some assistance with organization as well as the content of their notes. We are encouraging students to go beyond the events of the story and share their thinking of why these events are important. 

This week we are publishing our Realistic Fiction Stories. Illustrations will be finished, and then inserted into their documents. Then stories will get one final read through for edits. Finally, stories will be published their personal blogs with a reflection on the process.

I am sending home the Unit 3: Family Letter with homework folders Monday. We will be starting unit 3 with some multiplication and division review and some games. We also hope to finally finish our Birthday Party Project Presentations this week.

Social Studies
Students are starting to look outside Oregon and into Western USA, specifically at droughts, bottled water and water rights. We are gaining a broader understanding of the multiple water issues that surround us these days as well as the multiple perspectives on the problems and benefits of each.

Passion Projects
This week, we are having some hard conversations about Passion Projects. An eagerness for partners and larger broad topics have lead us away from our brainstorming pages and into uncharted territory of disjointed project ideas. We hope to have some more clarity and expectation understanding this week, starting Monday.

Is that all????

I am sure you are noticing it is not a lot of big work this week. We are creating lots of time for the ERB testing as well as time for students to practice test taking skills Monday and Tuesday. We also want to give the kids more play time and down time as the tests can feel long and tiring. Homework is also minimized to help students, play, eat well and rest this week.