Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Update: September 11

Important Dates
Sept. 17:    Picture Day Forms due 9/16
Sept. 18:    Back to School Picnic 5:00-7:00 p.m. Student can wear white.
Sept. 21:    BTSN from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Sept. 24:    Ben Hatke – Author visit 1:00-2:00 Hatke book orders due 9/14
Sept. 25:    LS Walk for Fun Assembly 8:10 – 8:40 a.m.
This Week:
Our class spent this week getting acquainted with each other and putting important routines in place.  We discussed class jobs, and lunch and recess rules, and started conversations on class agreements. All three fourth grade classes played outside games with Tracy Arensberg and Ari Sternberg on Friday.
Next Week:
Talk about what our Reading Workshop looks like and give students an overview of the different components to our reading time. We will begin formal and informal reading assessments with students, in addition to our regularly scheduled reading instruction. We will discuss your child’s reading life with you at our fall conference.
Talk about what our Writing Workshop looks like and give students an overview of the different components to our writing time. We will continue to brainstorm and start to draft some small moment and realistic fiction stories.
Begin Unit One in Everyday Math.  We will also introduce problem-solving strategies to students. Our LS Math Specialist, Tracy Arensberg will offer enrichment opportunities throughout the year.
Sandi Lillevik, an Upper School math teacher, has graciously agreed to organize a group of high school students to work on various enrichment activities with our students this year. We did this last year and were impressed by the dedication and expertise of the older kids. The fourth graders love being part of this special activity and learned a lot from it. The Upper School students will come once a week for 30 minutes and work with small groups of children. This year, we will rotate on a four-week schedule. Ms. Sathyaraj's class will start, Ms. Thompson will follow, and Ms. Taylor will go third.
Social Studies
Work on Class Agreements and building community.
Student will have some reading homework. We will go over homework expectations at Back to School Night.
Picture Day
This is a uniform day and we will take class photos as well as several different individual poses on Thursday. The Picture Pre-order forms should be turned in by Wednesday.
Please send any attendance changes to This way if one of the teachers or Miriam is off campus someone in the office will get the message. Teachers are not allowed to report plan changes, please email directly.

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